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Dette var et arrangement i 2023.

Fairness in the land of privilege: Why does it matter and how do we make it happen?

Norske Shell, Universitetet i Stavanger
Mandag 14/8 2023 16:00 - 17:00
Inkludering , Arbeidsliv
Ytterst på Langbryggen
Antall plasser i lokalet

Om arrangementet

Norway is viewed by many as a “land of privilege” - by virtue of our political stability, welfare system, and abundance of natural resources. At the same time, many individuals and groups within our society still face barriers to opportunities and societal inclusion.

Norway is committed to the Paris Agreement, which stresses that the green transition also needs to be a socially just transition. Simply put, this means that governments, businesses, organisations and individuals need to manage the transition in a way that ensures a fairer distribution of both the costs and the benefits.

Let’s explore the concept of a just transition with a Norwegian lens by asking the questions:

  • How can we level the playing field in Norwegian working life by identifying and removing barriers to opportunity?
  • The green transition requires more people, innovation and new skills – how can we make sure that we capitalize on the potential that lies in more and better inclusion?
  • What are we doing practically, rather than rhetorically, to promote appreciation of diversity and to close inclusion gaps in our society?

Sarah Hean - host of the University of Stavanger Better Together and Kafé Sosial podcast series - will facilitate a conversation between representatives from different parts of society who come together with a learner mindset to share their perspectives on what diversity, equity and inclusion means to them. We seek to build bridges and shed light on how we together can progress in the green transition in a way that derives value from inclusion and ensures that no one is left behind.

Welcome to the Stavanger tent for a great discussion and to flavour some nice dishes made by a local organisation for minorities. The panel dialogue will be recorded and published on UiS.no.

  • Sarah Hean, Professor i sosialfag, University of Stavanger
  • Mark Wildon, Styreleder, Norske Shell
  • Tomas Norvoll, Statssekretær, Arbeids- og inkluderingsdepartementet
  • Birol Bilgin, Frivillig, Mangfoldhuset Oslo
  • Martine Eliasson, Politisk rådgiver, Uloba
Kristin Støle Kalgraff, Kommunikasjonskonsulent, Norske Shell, 93488432, K.StoeleKalgraff@shell.com
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