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Utskrift fra www.arendalsuka.no
Dette var et arrangement i 2022.

How to protect the right to practise religion AND freedom of speech?

Kristiansand kommune
Tirsdag 16/8 2022 14:00 - 15:30
Menneskerettigheter , Demokrati
Vestregate 21B
1. etasje - hovedinngang
Antall plasser i lokalet

Om arrangementet

The burning of the Quran in Kristiansand in 2019 by members of the Stop the Islamisation of Norway (SIAN) group brought into sharp relief the challenge of ensuring religious freedoms whilst at the same time protecting freedom of speech.

For Muslims, the burning of their holy book represented a blatant violation of their religious values. Equally worrying, the act fuelled tensions between Muslims and wider society and led to some incidents of violence. On the other hand, it has been argued that in a secular liberal country like Norway, people have the right to express their views – no matter how abhorrent they might be to some members of society.

The MEET event on 16 August 2022 in the local Arendal mosque will discuss how to address this challenge. It brings together Muslims and others, including representatives of Kristiansand Kommune, other public officials and representatives of organizations working on these issues (e.g. Nordic Safe Cities). The MEET event will consider:

  • Specifically with regard to SIAN and its agenda of provocation, what is the appropriate response to this by Muslim leaders, groups and individuals, and by the authorities?
  • What can be done to ensure that SIAN and other such groups do not achieve their goal of sowing division and promoting Islamophobia?
  • What can be done to promote a Norwegian society in which ALL rights are respected?

The program will be simultaneously interpreted from English to Norwegian, Arabic and Somali. Earphones will be provided when requested


  • Shaykh Dr Umar al-Qadri, Leading Irish Muslim religious and social thinker and commentator, Chairperson of the Irish Muslim Peace & Integration Council and Chief Imam at the Islamic Centre of
  • Alen Delic, co-founder, Malmo Muslim Network
  • Shaukat Warraich, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Faith Faith Associates
  • Ole Hortemo, Board member of FIDA and responsible police leader in Kristiansand at the time of the burning of the, FIDA (Forum for Integrering og Dialog i Agder)
  • Akmal Ali, Imam i Masjid Taqwa moskeen i Kristiansand og styreleder i Muslimsk Råd Agder
Kim Henrik Gronert, Rådgiver for flerkulturell dialog, Kristiansand kommune, 92261306
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