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How should the muslims in Europe meet the challenges of Islamofobia

Kristiansand kommune, Faith Associates, UIA, PLATTFORM - Norsk institutt for forebygging av radikalisering og voldelig ekstremisme, FIDA (Forum For Integrering og Dialog Agder), Muslimsk Råd Agder, Det Muslimske Kultursenteret i Aust-Agder
Tirsdag 16/8 2022 18:30 - 19:45
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Islamophobia is a term used to describe irrational hostility, fear or hatred of Islam, Muslims and Muslim culture, and the discrimination that Muslims can face, both individually and collectively. Examples include verbal abuse, online hate speech, physical violence and damage to mosques/properties owned by Muslims.

Islamophobia has been on the rise in Europe for many years. It has profound negative effects, not just on those directly targeted, but on members of the entire community. As well as living in fear, people can feel it necessary to ‘self-censor’ – to abstain from religious practices (e.g. going to the mosque, wearing hijab), to not express their views openly, and to not participate fully in society (e.g. standing for public office) because this could invite abuse.  

Given the large numbers of Muslims in Europe and the positive contributions they are and could make to the countries in which they live, it is vital to combat Islamophobia. Moreover, this is an obligation for member states under various international and regional conventions, as well as many national laws, to protect the right to freedom of religion or belief.

The MEET (Muslim European EmpowermenT program) event on 16 August 2022 in the Human Rights Tent will discuss the challenge of Islamophobia and the role and identity of Muslims in Europe – vital since solutions will only be achieved through the active participation of both Muslim communities and wider society and government. 

Specific questions to be considered in the MEET event include:

  • How should we understand recent (anti-Muslim) events in Nordic countries (and further afield in Europe)?
  • What do these incidents and developments mean for Muslims in Europe?
  • What is the ‘ideal’ European Muslim identity? – How does reality compare with this?
  • Are European Muslims achieving their full potential, particularly in relation to democratic participation? – If not, why not?
  • Is there a clash between Islamic and European (Western) values? How can these be reconciled?
  • What changes are needed? – By Muslims? By European governments and societies?

  • Shaykh Dr Umar al-Qadri, Leading Irish Muslim religious and social thinker and commentator, Chairperson of the Irish Muslim Peace & Integration Council
  • Alen Delic, co-founder, Malmø Muslim Network
  • Mabrouka Rayachi, Supervisor for Islamic religious education i Lower Austria
  • Amina Bitar, works with supported employment for the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration, both as a politician and volunteer she's been working against discrimination and racism
  • Shaukat Warraich, is a multi-award-winning social entrepreneur and is currently the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Faith Associates
Kim Henrik Gronert, Rådgiver for flerkulturell dialog, Kristiansand kommune, 92261306
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